Zen as F*ck



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Zen as F*ck

A Journal for Practicing the Mindful Art of Not Giving a Sh-t

Monica Sweeney

The road to serenity is ahead, and it's paved with a f-ck-ton of profanity. When quiet meditation and peaceful mantras aren't enough to cut through the bullsh--t and brighten your day - hold close the pages of Zen as F--ck. On each and every page, you can give the good around you a warm f--cking hug and kick the bad on its ass. Journal your way through positive affirmations and cathartic - as f--ck activities on your liberating journey toward something pretty close to happiness.

Sprinkle, scatter, or set off a glitter-bomb of happy vibes onto your trail of tranquility with Zen as F--ck!

Start sparkling like the f--cking gem you are
Learn how to rise, shine, and kick ass
Cast your soul-shining light on others and spread some f-cking beauty

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