Wavellite Raw

Chakra Flow

Availability: 1 in stock

Wavellite Raw

The Wavellite specimen from Arkansas is a petite yet enchanting gem, weighing 5 grams and measuring a modest 1 inch by 1 inch. Known for its distinctive spherical formations, Wavellite is revered for its metaphysical properties that align with the Heart Chakra, promoting emotional healing and balance.

This specimen is believed to inspire compassion, forgiveness, and a sense of inner peace. In metaphysical practices, Wavellite is often employed for meditation, encouraging self-reflection and aiding in the release of emotional blockages. Its energy is said to resonate with the gentle waves of healing, fostering harmony within the emotional and spiritual realms.

Despite its diminutive size, this Wavellite specimen serves as a powerful ally for those seeking emotional well-being and inner tranquility. Whether carried as a pocket stone, incorporated into jewelry, or placed in a sacred space, its subtle yet profound energy makes it a cherished addition to any crystal collection.

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